[זנגביל] Events @ Ginger till the beginning of August

May-July Events at Ginger—

the Vegetarian Community Center

veginger@gmail.com 02-5665737

For donations: http://www.israelgives.org/amuta/580155034

Unless otherwise specified, all events will be held at 8 Balfour Street, Jerusalem

Dear friends,

We hope to see you at the Annual General Meeting of the Jewish Vegetarian Society on Thursday, May 23rd. The Society is the governing body of Ginger, and it supports other activities such as the lectures on Judaism and food ethics, animal studies and more. The Society functions on a democratic basis, and membership will allow you to participate in the decisionmaking process. To join the Society one needs to be a vegetarian and pay the annual membership fee of 50 to 500 NIS (according to good-will and ability).

In June you are invited to join us for a wine-and-vegan-cheese evening (including a screening of the documentary "Got the Facts on Milk?") and in July for an especially delicious Rastafarian meal.

Please consider participating in our gardening days. They are held on the first Friday of each month, starting at 10 am, and continuing during the freecycling market. Join the work and enjoy a light meal at the end!

We highly recommend the exhibition "Flesh and Blood" in the Museum on the Seam. The exhibition examines the human exploitation of other animals. The museum is located at the Light Rail Stop "Shivtei Yisrael. " Hours: Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu 10:00-17:00; Tue 10:00-21:00; Fri 10:00-14:00.

And a final recommendation: Check out Dr. Steve Best's lecture on animal exploitation and slavery – now on youtube! Thanks to our friend, Jonathan Danilowitz, for the recommendation.

All the best,

Team Ginger

Schedule of Events

Thursday May 23rd 

7 pm General Meeting of the Society

Ginger is a project of the Jewish Vegetarian Society. Each year the members of the Society gather to elect a board and to discuss the Society's matters and future activities – please be part of this democratic process!

In the current meeting we will discuss the Society's reports for the year 2012, and elect a board and audit committee. We will also discuss substantial issues relating to future activities of Ginger.

Vegan refreshments will be served starting at 7pm. The meeting will commence at 7:30pm.

All members of the Society may participate in the discussion and votes. You can register as a member at the meeting. To join the Society one needs to be a vegetarian and pay the annual membership fee of 50 to 500 NIS (according to good-will and ability).

Membership in the Society allows you to take part in the crucial struggle for the future of humans and other animals on earth. It is a strong statement of solidarity and support. It also allows members free usage of the Society's comprehensive library.

Friday June 7th  

11:00 am—2:00 pm: Freecycling Market

Get rid of your junk and collect other people’s junk… – and join us for vegan refreshments.

We will simultaneously have a gardening day, starting at 10 am.

Admission: free.

Thursday June 13th

7 pm Vegan Cheese, Wine, and the Documentary "Got the Facts On Milk?"

Since the beginning of the year, dairy consumption in Israel fell significantly. This is good news for both the cows and the public health-care system – and a reason for vegan celebration!

Join us to enjoy a variety of home-made vegan cheeses, accompanied with wine, watermelon, tomatoes and everything that is necessary for a pleasant summer evening.

We will conclude the evening with the movie "Got the Facts on Milk?" – an entertaining, award winning feature documentary that dares to question the conventional wisdom of the much publicized health benefits of milk and dairy products. Addressing myth, truth, and everything in between, the film is a humorous yet shocking exposition that provokes serious thought about this everyday staple.

35 NIS recommended donation for the food.

The film is in English

Friday July 5th  

11:00 am—2:00 pm: Freecycling Market

Get rid of your junk and collect other people’s junk… – and join us for vegan refreshments.

We will simultaneously have a gardening day, starting at 10 am.

Admission: free.

Thursday July 25th    

7:00 pm ITAL: A Traditional Rastafarian Dinner

Rastafarians eat to nourish the body, the mind, and the soul. Their purely vegetarian cuisine, called "ITAL" (from the word "vital"), fosters life, and holds that eating animal carcasses turns the body into a cemetery.

The Rastafarians believe that the body is a temple of God, and needs to be kept healthy, free of poisons, and protected from intentional harm such as tattoos, piercing, eating of meat/milk. Most Rastafarians are vegetarians, some are vegan and the most religious refrain from cooked, processed or artificial food. Some refrain from salt, sugar, alcohol, coffee, and cigarettes. Ganja, however, is considered to be a sacred plant and is recommended to open the mind.

Their vegetarian Ideal is based on Genesis 1, 29: "Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food’."

The ITAL cuisine is inspired by Indian and African foods, and includes many fruits and vegetables – mango, papaya, banana, sweet potato, and pumpkin. Many dishes are flavored with coconut milk, cinnamon, and ginger. Cooking is typically done in clay pots.

The most famous Rastafarian was Bob Marley, who used to eat only ITAL.

Tonight's dinner will include Caribbean colorful salad, peppered vegan omelet,  date-and-nut pie and tropical cocktail.

25 NIS recommended donation for the food.

Friday August 2nd    

11:00 am—2:00 pm: Freecycling Market

Get rid of your junk and collect other people’s junk… – and join us for vegan refreshments.

We will simultaneously have a working day in the garden, starting at 10 am.

Admission: free.


Ginger - the Vegetarian Community Center

8 Balfour Street, Jerusalem; telephone: 02-5665737


For donations: http://www.israelgives.org/amuta/580155034


Lecturers and facilitators in events at Ginger, are solely responsible for the information they present and the opinions they express. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of Ginger. Information presented has not necessarily been veified by Ginger. Ginger promotes events that promote plant-based diets and others that we believe will interest community members. Ginger also participates and co-organizes such events. This should not be construed as endorsement of any opinion, data or practice involved in these events.



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